Puppet is a Human too 2016

11th International Festival of Puppet Theatre and Animated Films for Adults

9th October - 16th October 2016

Competition films – set II

Screening of the competition films chosen by the Selection Committee
Set II

  • Somewhere, Mélody Boulissière, 6’, France, 2016

    Suffering from consumer’s fever, a young man starts a journey to the end of the world.

  • Solo for Two / Solo na dwie, Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi, Kalina Duwadzińska, 4’14”, Poland, 2016

    A minimalistic story told by dance and stop motion animation.

  • Kinki, Izumi Yoshida, 10’12”, Poland, 2015

    In the moment of despair the deepest secrets get revealed. Human life is in a constant process of confronting death. Suicide is a form of self-loyalty.

  • Eden, Efrat Dajan, 3'45", Israel, 2016

    Adam is lonely in Eden, desperate for company he falls in love with one of the trees in the garden. God disapproves of this love and creates Eve to be Adam's true mate, however Adam and Eve don't hit it off. Eve meets the handsome snake and falls for him leading to a dangerous clash with God.

  • Ink meets blank / Zdarzenie plastyczne, Tymon Albrzykowski, 5’11”, Poland, 2016

    A visual clash can only happen in a purely visual world. The triumph of totally unrestricted movement.

  • A Man Called Man, Guy Charnaux, 3’33”, Canada, Brasil, 2015

    Family, love, violence, death. The ludicrousness of a western upbringing in a nutshell.

  • The Gentle Giant / Olbrzym, Marcin Podolec, 10’41”, Poland, 2016

    This animated documentary is a portrait of a big size poet who wants to offer his poetry to people.

  • Within Thy Walls, Daniella Schnitzer Omer Sharon, 7'17", Israel, 2015

    A city portrait about the daily life in Jerusalem.

  • Debut / Debiut, Katarzyna Kijek, 7'12", Poland, 2016

    A failed script take its author over.

  • Balcony, David Dell'Edera, 6’18”, Hungary, 2015

    Everyone does what they want to. The people in this movie are not sure what they want to do yet.