Programme of the film section of the Festival
13th October, Thursday
Opening of Grzegorz Rogala's "Dance School" installation
country: Poland
year: 2016
Movements of a person situated in front of the monitor are automatically translated into animation loops and synchronised with music.
Instructions appear on the screen.
Competition films – set I
Screening of the competition films, set I.
- Suspended / Zawieszony, Aleksandra Hildebrandt, 4’16”, Poland, 2015
- Wake Up / Wstawać, Jakub Oleg Wojciechowski, 7’51”, Poland, 2016
- #286, Einat Rudman, Shani Zaltsman, 5’21”, Israel, 2015
- Cosmos / Kosmos, Daria Kopeć, 2’30”, Poland, 2016
- Just a biopic, Renske Cuijpers, 2'56", The Netherlands, 2015
- Laboratory / Laboratorium, Natalia Nguyen, 8’, Poland, 2015
- In Other Words, Tal Kantor, 6’, Israel, 2015
- Beyond, Milán Kopacz, 10’, Hungary, 2015
- Omen, Alicja Kłos, 3’55”, Poland, 2016
- Lucky, Kirsten Carina Geißer, Ines Christine Geißer, 11’, Germany, 2015
Animator Is A Puppet Too
Screening of the short films awarded at the Animator festival in Poznań (2016) (introduction by Filip Kozłowski).
- Before love, Igor Kovalyov, 19'15”, Russia, 2015
- Blind Vaysha, Theodore Ushev, 8'14”, Canada, 2016
- End Game, Phil Mulloy, 6', Great Britain
- Erlkönig, Georges Schwizgebel, 6', Switzerland
- About a Mother, Dina Velikovskaya, 7'20”, Russia, 2015
- Impossible Figures and Other Stories II / Figury niemożliwe i inne historie II, Marta Pajek, 14'30”, Poland, 2016
- Sexy Laundry, Izabela Plucińska, 12', Germany, Canada, Poland, 2015
14th October, Friday
Competition films – set II
Screening of the competition films, set II.
- Somewhere, Mélody Boulissière, 6’, France, 2016
- Solo for Two / Solo na dwie, Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi, Kalina Duwadzińska, 4’14”, Poland, 2016
- Kinki, Izumi Yoshida, 10’12”, Poland, 2015
- Eden / Eden, Efrat Dajan, 3'45", Israel, 2016
- Ink meets blank / Zdarzenie plastyczne, Tymon Albrzykowski, 5’11”, Poland, 2016
- A Man Called Man, Guy Charnaux, 3’33”, Canada, Brasil, 2015
- The Gentle Giant / Olbrzym, Marcin Podolec, 10’41”, Poland, 2016
- Within Thy Walls, Daniella Schnitzer Omer Sharon, 7'17", Israel, 2015
- Debut / Debiut, Katarzyna Kijek, 7'12", Poland, 2016
- Balcony, David Dell'Edera, 6’18”, Hungary, 2015
Hungarian animated films
Hungarian animated films (introduction by Agnieszka Kozłowska).
- Glowing Love / Izzó szerelem, Gyula Macskássy, 2', Hungary, 1939
- Tv-Maci / Tv-Maci (TV signal), Ottó Foky, 1', Hungary, 1965
- Scenes with Beanes / Babfilm, Ottó Foky, 12', Hungary, 1975
- Lunch / Ebéd, Csaba Varga, 5', Hungary, 1980
- Ad astra / Ad astra, Ferenc Cakó, 2', Hungary, 1982
- Scones / Süti, Gyula Nagy, 10', Hungary, 1984
- Icarus / Ikarusz, Géza M. Tóth, 5', Hungary, 1996
- At the Countryside / Falun, 10', Hungary, 2010
- Rabbit and Deer / Nyuszi és Őz, 16', Hungary, 2012
- Beyond / Beyond, Milán Kopasz, 10, Hungary, 2016
"Friday to Saturday" - Tomasz Pobóg-Malinowski
Tomasz Pobóg-Malinowski, 61’, Flying Brick Films, UK, 1991
A documentary about the oeuvre of Zbigniew Rybczyński, the world-famous Polish filmmaker, creator of experimental animated films and multimedia artist who has won numerous prestigeous awards, including the 1982 Academy Award for Best Animated Short film for Tango. He is renowned for his genious innovative techniques and pioneering experimentation in the field of new image technology, being a true visionary. In the film Rybczyński talks about his work. We also watch fragments of his films. Director Tomasz Pobóg-Malinowski uses Rybczyński's language which allows him to create a structure parallel to the films of his protagonist.
15th October, Saturday
Competition films – set III
Screening of the competition films, set III.
- Velodrome / Velodrool, Sander Joon, 6’12”, Estonia, 2015
- That's how it was, Joana Nogueira, Patrícia Rodrigues, 12’58”, Portugal, 2015
- Gli.tch. / Gli.tch., Mikołaj Sęczawa, 3’34”, Poland, 2014
- The Flowers, Limor Salman, 4'02", Israel, 2016
- What happens in your brain if you see a German word like...?, Zora Rux, 5’, Germany, 2015
- Hadarim / Hadarim, Shlomi Yosef, 5'23", Israel, 2016
- The Garden of Happy Dead People / Ogród szczęśliwych umarlaków, Bożena Czech, 3’08”, Poland, 2016
- Between Night and Day / Między dniem a nocą, Zespół “Akcja Animacja”, 2’, Poland, 2016
- No-Go Zone, Atelier Collectif, 10’, Belgium, 2016
- The Last Friend / Ostatni Przyjaciel, Gabriela Okuniewicz, 2'46", Poland, 2015
- The River, Heeseon Kim, 8'36", Great Britain, Korea, 2015
- In the grip / W szponach, Patrycja Żak, 2’55”, Poland, 2015
Hubert Sielecki Film Retrospective
duration: 64 min
Hubert Sielecki Film Retrospective (introduction by Hubert Sielecki)
- Festival, Hubert Sielecki, 4'10”, Austria, 1985
- Air Fright, Hubert Sielecki, 8'10”, Austria, 1995
- Book Factory, Hubert Sielecki, 3'30”, Austria, 1996
- Sound Poem, Hubert Sielecki, 2'15”, Austria, 2007 (text Gerhard Ruhm)
- Unequal Brothers, Hubert Sielecki, 2', Austria, 2007 (text Gerhard Ruhm)
- Levitation, Hubert Sielecki, 3', Austria, 2007 (text Gerhard Ruhm)
- The Heroes, A.S.K., 4'30”, Austria, 1992
- Nitweitaget, Hubert Sielecki, 1'30”, Austria, 1994
- Ballad of M. Lassing, Hubert Sielecki, 8', Austria, 1992
- Track, Hubert Sielecki, 3'50”, Austria, 2006, (text Karin Spielhofer)
- Dialogue about Austria, Hubert Sielecki, 3'20”, Austria, 2013 (text Gerhard Ruhm)
- The Longest Kiss, Hubert Sielecki, 4'30”, Austria, 2014 (text Gerhard Ruhm)
- Legend of Joseph, Hubert Sielecki, 4'20”, Austria, 2016 (text Gerhard Ruhm)
- Hit Parade, Hubert Sielecki, A.S.K, 12', Austria, 1998
Nuts! - Penny Lane
Penny Lane, 79', USA, 2016
Film awarded at the International Festival of Animated Films ANIMATOR in Poznań (2016). Introduction by Filip Kozłowski.
An inventive, wildly fun and mostly true story of John Romulus Brinkley, a Kansas doctor who in 1917 discovered that he could cure impotence by transplanting goat testicles into men. Screened at a number of festivals, including Sundance.