Hungarian animated films
Hungarian animated films
Introduction by Agnieszka Kozłowska
Flame of love / Izzó szerelem, Gyula Macskássy, 2', Hungary, 1939
An advertisement film which tells a love story of Miss Lamp and Mr Moth. Miss Lamp's bulb is not strong enough therefore her lover runs away. Luckily she gets help from a stronger bulb and their love gets restored.
Tv-Maci / Tv-Maci (TV signal), Ottó Foky, 1', Hungary, 1965
Film about Beans / Babfilm, Scenes with Beanes, Ottó Foky, 12', Hungary, 1975
Scenes from life on a planet inhabited by beans. Object discarded by the consumption oriented society – boxes and tins – get used to build skyscrapers. Beans drive sardine tins or go by boats made of walnuts across a glittering lake.
Lunch / Ebéd, Csaba Varga, 5', Hungary, 1980
Augusta, a clay cook prepares soup. Alas the ingredients and kitchen utensils do not want to cooperate. In the end only one pea remains in the pot. The first film of the series featuring Augusta.
Ad astra / Ad astra, Ferenc Cakó, 2', Hungary, 1982
The first part of trilogy with a winged man as a protagonist. It seems that he should be able to fly high, but the crowd does not let him do it.
Cookies / Süti, Gyula Nagy, 10', Hungary, 1984
A horror parody taking place in a grandma's pantry. It is a film for people who like dark humour and imagine that the director criticises the political regime from before 1989 using cookies.
Icarus / Icarususz, Géza M. Tóth, 5', Hungary, 1996
Icarus is a sand animation about a man who dared to reach for the world that belongs only to birds and gods. A mosaic figure emerges on the beach, he tries to fly and falls down into the sea. He gets resurrected and tries again, but to no avail.
In the country / Falun, 10', Hungary, 2010
The film shows stillness, simplicity and natural way of life in the country. Typical country life scenes shown in one shot. All happens on the bench outdoors.
Rabbit and Deer / Nyuszi és Őz, 16', Hungary, 2012
Rabbit and Deer live happily together and then Deer invents a formula that takes it into the third dimension. It is a challenge to their friendship. Deer moves into the alien world. They need to find a way to be together again.
Beyond / Beyond, Milán Kopasz, 10, Hungary, 2016
A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. Also in Earth there are places and situations with strange attraction. Some back off, some step closer to observation.